Hong Kong Collaborative Practice Group



What is Collaborative Practice?

Collaborative Practice is a structured process designed to assist couples, who have decided to separate or divorce, towards a resolution of all issues without the need for Court hearings.

The distinguishing feature of this voluntary process is that the couple, their lawyers and other family professionals who work with the couple to resolve their differences on all important and relevant issues, sign a Participation Agreement recording their common understanding that they will not resolve the couple’s disputes in Court proceedings. If they do revert to Court proceedings at any stage, their lawyers and other professionals in the collaborative process are automatically disqualified from assisting them any further. Having this consensus, a more amicable environment for negotiation is created. The couple maintain a sense of security and higher degree of self-determination throughout the process. The lawyers are also settlement-focused and aim to assist the Parties achieve a constructive, realistic and tailored solution, which the couple ultimately respects due to the sense of ownership in the decision-making process. 


「協作解紛」 提供一套框架予已經決定分居或離婚的人仕,在不需要法庭聆訊的大前提下,於各方面達成解決方案。
在諸多庭外和解方法中,最能區別「協作解紛」 的特徵為當事人及其律師,並所有提供協助的專業人士,皆需要簽署一份「參與協議」。 此協議記錄了他們的共識:他們不會以法庭訴訟的方式解決問題。 萬一法庭訴訟實在是無可避免,而仼何一方決定展開訴訟時,整個律師和專業團隊將會被自動取消資格,不能再為當時人提供任何協助。 這個共識能夠打造一個平和的氣氛,在過程中當時人的安全感將倍增,亦擁有高度自主權。協作解紛的律師也將已解決問題為本,致力協助當事人達成有建設性,實際,並為他們度身考量的解決方案,以致當時人會基於自己是這份方案的主人翁之意識,一直尊重並遵守此解決方案。